What to do if you found a stray dog or puppy?
- Have a good look at the dog to see if it has been injured before you touch it, animals in pain can bite
- Check if it has an ID tag, and ring the number if it does
- Bring it to the nearest vet to scan it for a microchip
- If possible take a photo and do up a ‘found’ poster, giving a description of breed, sex, age, colour, collar colour, if it has any disctinct markings, and the area you found it in.
- Report the dog to the local Garda station and pounds.
- Put up posters in local vets, pet shops, and newsagents.
- Post it on local Lost & Found Facebook groups, like Lost and Found Facebook group.
- Please look for proof of ownership if you are contacted about a dog you have found by a potential owner.
Unfortunately the Fingal SPCA have no premises so cannot take any strays into our care. We would have to pay for any stray to be kennelled until it can be reunited with it's owners or rehomed.
Stray Dogs and the Law
It is a legal requirement to comply with The Control of Dogs Acts and report any stray dog to the dog warden. Even places such as the Dogs Trust have no authority to keep stray dogs under The Control of Dogs Acts 1986 and 1992.
Source: Dogs Aid & Dogs Trust